The [family] is one of nature's masterpieces. ~George Santayana

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Have I told you how much I love taking family photos? :)  And, especially outdoors and ESPECIALLY in the fall?!

I met a wonderful family, the dWs, through a mutual friend - they have four adorable daughters - and I had the privilege of taking their pictures one October afternoon in Griffith Woods. Their girls were so well behaved and cooperative.  Even the baby, at 8 months, was so responsive when I called her name from behind the lens.  The combination of late fall colors and the kids' bright pink sweaters created such striking photos!  Never mind the fact that the whole family is so photogenic!

I had so many favorites from that photo session - I'll spare you and just share the best of the best. 

I asked them to pose this "crazy" shot....but I'm pretty sure that with four kids, this is sometimes what it's like!

The dW's were the first referral family I had the chance to shoot. I'm so happy that they trusted me to take their photos and that the shoot went beyond well! They now have some lovely pictures to proudly display on their wall or send in Christmas cards in a few weeks.  There is still time to get your family photos done in time for Christmas!  Let me know!

On a [BEAUTIFUL] Fall Day...

...I took photos of this [BEAUTIFUL] family! If you've been paying attention, J. & A. and their daughter, K. are repeat customers!

And to celebrate K.'s first birthday, it was time for another family shoot!  We spent about an hour in Sheppard Park on a lovely September Saturday afternoon and captured some fantastic shots - what a photogenic family!  And, how much fun is this one year old girl!?  She made me laugh - such a big personality in such a little person!

These are some of my faves - thought I'd share a few!

Isn't Sheppard Park a pretty spot? A great place to take family photos, all year round.  If you're interested, please call me at 403-498-4598 to schedule a shoot for your [BEAUTIFUL] family!

"A [family] is a little world created by love..."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A new family recently began attending our church and no sooner had L. and her daughter, R. showed up to playgroup for the first time back in June, we were instant friends, and began spending some time together over the summer!  Then L. found out I took family portraits and just like that, we had booked a shoot for the three [almost 4] of them for the end of August!  Not only am I ticked pink to have made some new friends, I am very pleased with how the photos turned out of this beautiful family. 

BEST buddies, R. and Mabel!

Such a beautiful pregnant momma, isn't she?

[Boy] or [Girl]?

C. is the manager at a local golf course, so we had free reign of the place for our photo shoot!  Had to do some action golf shots before the evening was over!

Playing with light and silhouettes...

Probably my favorite shot of the evening - our very last one!

Another successful family photo shoot! :)

SIDE NOTE: As fall approaches and you begin thinking about family portraits for Christmas cards and such, please let me know if you want to book me as your photographer.  Pricing will change in the new year, so all the more reason to do it now!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing family photos, so I promise to make it a pleasant experience and leave you with some beautiful [captured moments]!

Sugar and Spice and [Everything Nice]

Friday, August 31, 2012

I've said this before - I LOVE taking family pictures. And, this particular family is just adorable and it was SO delightful to take their photos! Three sweet, precious girls and their parents, who happen to be longtime friends of ours!  The occasion for the photo session was to celebrate the arrival of Baby D!  Isn't she the cutest thing?

Middle sister, N, being a little "mommy"!

And, big sister, C, so protective and gentle!

Girly giggles!

I think this one is my favorite one!  Such cuteness!

Family snuggles...


Daddy W's heart and hands are full! :)

You can certainly tell he LOVES his girls...


One last family shot

It has not escaped either of us that W&K have three beautiful girls, and we have three handsome boys...arranged marriage, anyone? :)