"A [family] is a little world created by love..."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A new family recently began attending our church and no sooner had L. and her daughter, R. showed up to playgroup for the first time back in June, we were instant friends, and began spending some time together over the summer!  Then L. found out I took family portraits and just like that, we had booked a shoot for the three [almost 4] of them for the end of August!  Not only am I ticked pink to have made some new friends, I am very pleased with how the photos turned out of this beautiful family. 

BEST buddies, R. and Mabel!

Such a beautiful pregnant momma, isn't she?

[Boy] or [Girl]?

C. is the manager at a local golf course, so we had free reign of the place for our photo shoot!  Had to do some action golf shots before the evening was over!

Playing with light and silhouettes...

Probably my favorite shot of the evening - our very last one!

Another successful family photo shoot! :)

SIDE NOTE: As fall approaches and you begin thinking about family portraits for Christmas cards and such, please let me know if you want to book me as your photographer.  Pricing will change in the new year, so all the more reason to do it now!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing family photos, so I promise to make it a pleasant experience and leave you with some beautiful [captured moments]!